
  Tower Analysis
Tower Design
Tower Inspection
Site-Specific Values
Tower Software
P.E. Stamps



What is the point of tower inspections, what do I gain as a tower owner, what do I gain as a carrier on someone else's tower ?

The structural materials used in towers are very good and will generally give a long service life, but all materials exposed to the elements are subject to degradation over time, depending on the local environment, the stress level, and incidental impact from human activity and extreme weather phenomena.

The regular inspections at 3 to 5 year intervals are meant to assess the wear and tear on the structure and its components so that action can be taken in time to avoid catastrophic loss, which would be very costly in lost revenues, even if no injury or loss of life were to result from a failure of the structure.

Following an extreme event, an inspection will establish how well the tower withstood the actions, and, in case of some damage or degradation, will allow the owner to make the appropriate adjustments to make it possible for the tower to take on the next extreme event.

Even if you do not own the tower, if you rely on the tower for support of your communication or broadcast needs, the loss of which would be a costly loss in business, it makes sense to have an independent inspection of the tower that will alert you to where you stand and allow you to take steps to mitigate your losses in case of loss of signal due to a failure of the tower. Of course, it also possible to include a clause in the contract that obliges the owner to have regular independent inspections performed and to provide, on the set schedule, a copy of the latest inspection for your review.


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